Thursday, June 10, 2010

it's officially summer

Well readers, good news: it's officially SUMMER!!!
it's about time--this year flew by but this particular week dragged on miserably slowly.
I'm thrilled that it's summer! Now I can read whatever I want whenever I want! Yes!

Right now though my brain is totally fried. I just cleaned my whole apartment--the bathroom is spick and span, the kitchen is shining, and the carpets are freshly vacuumed (a real rarity around here) so everything is feeling nice and clean. What a great feeling to the end of a stressful and educational school year =)

Since everything's been so crazy this week, I don't really have photos.

Well that's not true. You see, Geoff and I are good at procrastinating together.

Luckily now I don't have to procrastinate because it's summer!!! Wahoooo!!!

1 comment:

  1. You look like Mad Eye Moody in that pic!!
