Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What a Tuesday.

So, it's been quite the Tuesday.

Class, meeting, studying...the usual.

Just a long day.

In my planner, it took all the lines for Monday and Tuesday and a giant post-it to write down everything I had to do today.

There are still a bunch of things left to be crossed off, but one of the important things was to get to the grocery store.

Feeling o v e r w h e l m e d, with lists of things to do running through my head, I went to the grocery store for some peace and quiet (and neatly organized fruits and veggies and snacks--oh, some order in this world!) and I got to see one of the greatest sunsets I've seen in a long time.

Wow. Lane Avenue bridge, you've rarely looked better.


  1. Well, I guess I was wrong - Lane Avenue Bridge *is* good for something.
    Nice shot, Elle.

  2. thanks lady =) yeah normally it's just good for traffic and aggravation, but now, for sunsets also! score!
