Hey everyone! It's been a busy, busy week. Go figure.
Right now I'm watching Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. What an epic film.
Lately I feel like I've been doing a lot but nothing really all that consequential. It was a paper week, which basically means my week was building up to me writing a paper, and once I turned in said paper, my brain was essentially fried and I haven't done anything substantial since then. That's just my operating system.
So, last week Vicki came to visit! I got to grab a quick lunch with her and Samantha, which was really exciting. It's always so nice to catch up!
That day was a really beautiful day (the last one until today, basically) but then it turned less beautiful. Sad. But here's a shot from when it was still pretty:
I don't actually even remember what day that was. Let's skip to things I remember.
Wednesday the Meshuganotes had our last official rehearsal of the year! Weird! I can't believe how fast college is going. SLOW DOWN!
Tonight, a bunch of us went to the new (beautiful, amazing, wonderful) Ohio Union to see Buckeye Showcase! There was some fanciness outside while we were waiting.
In other important news....MESHUGANOTE SHABBAT IS TOMORROW! I seriously can't wait I am so unbelievably excited. More on that later! =)
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