Good morning (or afternoon or evening--I'm writing in the morning, who knows when you're reading)
Today is Tuesday, August 17th, 2010.
Today's fun fact: my bat mitzvah was exactly 8 years ago. My invitations said "twenty-oh-two" because I thought it was stupid that we would say "nineteen ninety nine" (not "one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine") but "two thousand two"...anyway, 8 years is a long time and I'm starting to feel more like a grown-up.
So, one of the beautiful things of babysitting over the summer (apart from going to the pool while you're 'clocked-in' and doing art projects everyday) is that I've been able to get a lot of reading done. That, and I've been watching considerably more television. Both on tv and on netflix (what an incredible invention). I'm fully caught up on True Blood and Weeds, and I got my mom hooked on US of Tara (what a brilliant show). And I'm starting season 2 of Dexter! Also, I'm babysitting, so I've been watching some high quality tv--right now they're watching the Nanny (one of the most brutal things to watch first thing in the morning. her voice. yikes) but we also watch Phineas and Ferb and It's Me or the Dog. um...yeah.
But, as we all know, the most epic summer programming takes place during SHARK WEEK! Shark week was great this year. Because it's great every year.

Seriously, this is so epic.
What else has been going on this summer?
I saw an AMAZING concert with the Axe! We went to see Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros at the Newport. UNBELIEVABLE! I have never before seen a group so passionate about their music and electrified by the crowd. In fact, at one point towards the end of the show, the lead singer (Alexander) came off the stage and plopped himself on the [gross, disgusting, beer-covered] ground RIGHT NEXT TO US. Incredible. He performed a song sitting on the ground right next to me.
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros! So great!
It was an amazing amazing show and I'm soooo glad I went.
Oh hey, Alexander. Great beard.
Also, it's that fun part of the summer where most of my friends who studied or vacationed abroad are making their ways back to America. I love to hear about their trips and look at their pictures and I'm glad they're making their ways home.
Speaking of traveling...This past weekend I flew down to hot-lanta to visit Miss Samantha! It was wonderful exploring a new city--in her neighborhood there are tons of golf carts and, for those of you who maybe don't know that I'm secretly a 5 year old, I LOVE GOLF CARTS. So, it was super fun to visit and explore and ride around on golf carts. Score! (photos to follow--I haven't uploaded them yet!)
Also, I'm REALLY psyched for Meshuganotes this year. Just a fact.
Anybody else up to anything fun? I'm about to go play my ukulele (which rules, thanks for asking) and then today we're tie-dying (yessss) which is exciting.
And here are my puppies:
Lulu found the sun on the floor. Her favorite.
Izzy is finally learning to make eye contact!